Kumos in Japan?
Dec 10, 2009
I call the Kumamoto “the Chardonnay of oysters” because it’s sweet, fruity, nonintimidating, and everybody likes it. Many consider it the perfect oyster. There are major Kumo farms in Oakland Bay (Puget Sound), Humboldt Bay (California), and Baja (Mexico). The oyster, which is the little cousin of the Pacific oyster that dominates the West Coast oyster biz, came to the U.S. from southern Japan, where it can no longer be found. At least, that used to be true. But thanks to the good biologists at Kumamoto Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Kumos are again frolicking (well, they don’t frolic much) in the balmy waters of their native prefecture. They should start popping up on Japanese menus in about a year. Thanks to James Gallagher of Ezo Seafoods in Hokkaido for this tip. If you’re in Hokkaido, check out his new oyster bar.
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