Prince Edward Island

Bedeque Bay

This open bay on PEI’s Northumberland Straits coast may be PEI’s best oyster region. In addition to providing the excellent Summerside oysters, it’s responsible for Bedeque Bays, harvested from the sheltered waters of Salutation Cove. Oysters in Bedeque Bay grow faster than any others on PEI—two or three times faster! Partial thanks for this go to the strong tidal surge that comes around Cranberry Point and replenishes the bay twice daily, as opposed to the slower-flushing Malpeque Bay. Bedeque must also have dense algae populations for PEI, which would explain the stronger flavor of Bedeque Bays and Summersides—compared to the uncommonly light flavor of most Maritime oysters.

Pickle Point Colville Bay Raspberry Point Malpeque Summerside Bedeque Bay
